Medical and Health Care Sciences
[Abbr: Acd. Jr. AJMHCS]Health Education and Challenges
by Saurabh Mishra
Presently India is facing many public health challenges in terms of chronic diseases, the emergence of infectious diseases, and health systems related issues. To address these challenges the strengthening of health systems through improvements and refining capacities of health workforce is important. As it is well known recognized that India has a lack of critical mass of public health professionals. To respond to this gap, efforts of development or improvement is taken in which the quality and quantity of health professionals are improved. In this paper, the strength, weaknesses, threats, and health promotional is analyzed. In strength analysis well-trained staff in health learning, capitals for data distribution, and capability to meet methodical requirements requires valuations. Feebleness of health learning in India contain knowledge-based intrusions, failure to reach rural, dependence on print media, and weak regions, zero quality guarantee, no persuasive opportunities for health instructors, etc. Threats include disapproval as delivery of health education campaigns, and motivational manipulation, upright plans without constructing the arrangement at the popular standard. Keywords: Health, Promotion, Diseases, Strength
Issues Related to Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicides
by Astha Vyas
Nowadays, Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS) acts have become a big issue for the society. In many countries and states, these acts are not legalized and have many discussion and debates on this topic. Actually, these acts prohibit the codes of medical ethics. Medical ethics show that the role of the physician is to save the life of patients while these acts refer to as mercy killing of a patient with the assistance of a physician. On the other hand, Euthanasia and PAS terms are also necessary to terminate the life of an ill patient when no hope is left to save the patients. Some physicians have an objection how can a single physician decide to give euthanasia or PAS to the patient. Before giving the consent for PAS and Euthanasia, multiple physician examination should be conduct and the written consent of the patient should be taken during an examination if possible. This paper represents the difference between Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS) and factors that lead to a request for PAS or Euthanasia. It also shows the role of physician and response of a patient with these acts. Keywords: PAS, Euthanasia, Medical Ethics
The Risk Factors and Prevention of Osteoporosis
by Astha Vyas, Ganga Sharma
Osteoporosis is a very common or silent disease and disorder without any evidence of diseases till a fracture happens. In the world, around 200 million individuals are affected because of osteoporosis and 8.9 million fractures happen in individuals. Hip fractures are foremost health problem by means of both health disorder and social cost of the ageing people for the reason that these related fractures are one of the chief reasons of morbidity, damage, decrease quality of life and death in women as well as men. The main objective of the paper is to examine the risk issues connected to the huge effect of fractures related with osteoporotic and inhibiting of disease. Osteoporosis’s increasing trend is attended by an underutilization of present defensive approaches and at high fracture risk, only small number of patients are known and consecutively mentioned to as therapy. In indication and management of osteoporosis, it delivers diagnostic evidence to evaluate the best practices for adoption of an accurate healthcare approach to considerably decrease osteoporosis load. Main focus on attention towards identification of high fracture risk among osteoporosis patients. Keywords: Osteoporosis, Fracture Prevention, Morbidity Keywords: Osteoporosis, Fracture Prevention, Morbidity
Role of Zinc as a Micronutrient in Life and Human Health
by Rajesh Kumar Gupta
There are so many micronutrients which are important to human health and nutrition but amongst all the micrnutrients, Zinc is a vital constituent which is most significant and its importance for the health is increasing day by day and due to its deficiency, many diseases may appear. Zinc plays three major biological roles such as catalytic, structural and regulatory ion, hence it is an important trace element for the organisms. Zinc is critically affected in many aspects of human health such as in immune function, homeostasis, apoptosis, oxidative stress, aging and many disorders related to the health of human are also associated with the zinc deficiency. Zinc insufficiency may complex out the medical factors of various chronicor prolonged ailments or disorders like as malignancies, atherosclerosis, autoimmune diseases, neurological disorders, age-related degenerative diseases, aging, and Wilson’s disease increases oxidative pressure and reaches to the generation of inflammatory cytokines and affects immunological status adversely. In this paper, the multipurpose of zinc is discussed and also discussed its biological significance in immunity and prolonged sicknesses including diabetes, cancer, HIV, Wilson’s disease and other age and skin associated illnesses. Keywords: Zinc, Human Health, Health Benefits, Immune Responses, Zinc Deficiency
Dysfunctioning Thyroid- A Fatal Risk for Men and Women
by Surya Kiran Sharma
Thyroid is an endocrine gland that is a very essential part of human body as it secret the hormones that almost effects every part of the body, it not only has effect on human body development but it also effects the sexual activity and fertility rate of a person irrespective of his or her sex. Thyroid gets readily effected by several diseases and gives rise to any one of the two conditions one hyperthyroidism and other would be hypothyroidism. Such symptoms can now be temporarily managed with the help of various drugs. Our study starts with the aim of finding out whether the condition or let’s say health of the thyroid has any direct or indirect influence over the fertility rate of the females and males or not and if yes, can it be of risk to their life. In order to come to a conclusion work of many meticulous researchers have been taken into consideration and it had been found that women or men both when had dysfunctioning thyroid had effected fertility rate. Not only this in females it was found that the menstrual pattern was highly influenced because of the thyroid hormone. Keywords: Thyroid, Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, Fertility, Sperms.