About Memberships

At present, there are 3 categories of members – Professional, Associate and Lifetime Member.

General Benefits:

  • All the members of the three categories are provided with notifications of the xournals issue in their chosen field of the journal, though the member can have the access to all the journals on the xournals website.
  • All the members will be conferred an exemption from the registration fee for all the online Conferences and events organized by IASR. In Offline Events 25% discount on the registration fee of conferences and events organised by IASR at both national and international levels.
  • The member, depending on the number of research papers/e-book/dissertation/thesis/manual published or downloaded and other activities collectively might get a chance to become Sectional President, Sectional Secretary with the International Association of Scientists and Researchers.
  • The members will also be eligible for the xournals awards presented by IASR at the annual IASR events to exalt their significant work and contribution in front of the large scientific and research community.
  • The validity of membership will remain for one year with effect from the date of confirmation of membership by IASR. However the members can renew their membership if they wish to after the validity of membership is over.
  • Also, an IASR fellow membership certificate essential for one’s academic enhancement will be provided to all the members according to their membership.

Professional Membership can be availed by scholars, professors, researchers and scientists which can be availed at 1500/- only. Professional members are eligible for all the benefits by IASR that are described above. This category is valid for a period of 12 Months.

Associate Membership can be availed by professors, researchers, scientists, industrial person or any organization/institution which will confer the member the general benefits as well as some more amenities at  2500/- only. Associate members will be provided with enormous opportunities to be appointed as a judge at various National and International events organized or sponsored by IASR for poster presentation. Also, the members are invited as keynote speakers or special guest speakers at such events by IASR. This category is valid for a period of 24 Months.

Lifetime Membership can be availed by anyone – scholars, professors, researchers, scientists, industrial person or any organization/institution which will be valid throughout the lifetime of the member at  3500/- only. Apart from all the benefits the lifetime members are in advantage of becoming the integral part of Team IASR from being the core member of the editorial team of xournals to editor-in-chief for the journal of their field. Also, they get an opportunity to represent their country as convener of the annual International Conference of IASR.

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