Academic Journal of

Geographical Studies

[Abbr: Acd. Jr. AJGS]

Child Labour as an Obstacles in the Development of India

by Rajesh Kerma

The change in climate is a major concern for the society because it gives an adverse effects on the environment as well on living beings. The climate change can be explained as the change in the factors of the climate like change in the temperature. Now these days, the temperature of environment is increasing rapidly. The main cause of increasing temperature is human activities. According to the report, the temperature of the climate will be increased up to 4°C by 2100. It will be a huge adverse effect in the climate. Because of the increased temperature, the rainfall, stream flow and drought which are opposite to each other occur. High temperature have many effects: it melts the ice rocks due to which the level of the ocean and sea has been increased that cause flood, the evapotranspiration is also increased cause the drought because the decreasing the surface and groundwater level. In this paper, the impact of climate change on the water resources has been discussed and also their observation by the modeling system. Keywords: Climate, Rainfall, Streamflow, Drought, Evapotranspiration, Modeling System

Geographical Information Systems: A Study

by Vishal Bachani

The computing system i.e., Geographic Information System is use to capture, store, manage, analyze data and then represent all types of data geographically. The systems of GIS are used in cases of cartography along with the GIS merging of cartography and database. There is no considerable activity of human that is related to the territory of the geographical region that uses standardized GIS system. This system of GIS allows efficient estimation and the resource management for the environment protection. This technology provides safety to the general public and has the ability to manage and examine the large amounts of the information. This paper explains about the GIS application and mine mapping of the suspected areas and have the ability to facilitate the surface displacement. Keywords: Computing system,, Geographical Information System,, Cartography, resource management of GIS

Secret of vibrant water- A Study on Coral Reef around Indian Coast

by Kumari Mohini

Coral reefs are window to the past. They are ocean reefs created by coral (living animals) or especially by stony coral colony. These corals have outer skeleton made up of limestone which is made by carbon di-oxide and calcium which is present in the sea water. The network of these skeleton of dead coral are creates reefs under sea water. There are also the living coral reef as well. Beneath the water the dead coral reefs occupies the lower water are while living ones covers the top .But with the time these reefs are being affected greatly due to human activities. The waste that we are disposing in water eventually meets the ocean and pollute the water as well as its habitat. If we still don’t take any step to prevent them, there might be the chance that the future generation won’t even able be to witness these alluring window to the past. Affecting reefs will not only affect mankind but also affect the creatures underwater who are dependent on reefs for their survival and we all do know that even a single loop in the food chain will show impact to every individual from lower class to the upmost higher class on the Earth. In this paper we have covered the concerns for reef, impact of pollution on them and their fluctuating population around the Indian coast (Levy, 2008). Keywords: Coral Reefs, Ocean, Pollution, Limestone, Indian Coasts

Study on Social, Economic and Environmental Effect of Earthquake

by Sumitra Jat

India’s is at high risk due to population overshoot and unscientific constructions of buildings is mushrooming all over India. Floods, cyclone, earthquakes and landslides are the frequent phenomenon. India has suffered major earthquakes that have resulted in over 20,000 casualities. One of the most overwhelming natural disaster is earthquake which is caused by sudden shaking of the earth surface. This paper present review on the socio-economic and environmental effect of earthquake in order to learn from this event and understand what are the relevant steps required to improve the condition after earthquake. Keywords: Earthquake, Social Effect, Economical Effect, Environmental Effect

A Comparative Study on Three Gorges Dam Project

by Khushi Yadav

The Three Gorges Dam in the River i.e., Yangtze River is recently the largest project of construction in the world. The managing of project is performed using a systems approach because of its compounded nature or its complexity, social integration, technological and environmental systems and close-fitting coupling that is needed by the schedule. This papers deals with the theoretical concepts of TGD analysis on the basis of World Commission on Dams’ Seven Strategic priorities and five key points of Decision shows that an inappropriate and insufficient process was basically used for Planning the China’s Three Gorges Dam. The major findings of this paper is that the planning of TGD is done using non participatory research. The Three Gorges Dam Project proposal is introduced approximately 80 years ago and has seen in the Chinese Government. When the dam construction become economically and technologically feasible, the participatory research requires the assessment and the thorough consideration of the secondary issues i.e., social and environmental. Keywords: Three Gorges Dam, Social-integration, Close-fitting Coupling

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