Anthropological Studies

Analysis of Gait Pattern and it’s Relationship to Human Personality

Article Number: GBC303821 Volume 07 | Issue 01 | April - 2024 ISSN: 2581-4966
02nd Apr, 2024
12th Apr, 2024
24th Apr, 2024
30th Apr, 2024


Sreeram KY


Gait pattern impressions are considered as evidence in the field of forensic science in terms of stature examination [based on comparison between known and unknown samples], in determining the point of entry and exit, the number of people involved in a particular crime, the type of footwear worn by the perpetrator, etc. The gait pattern is defined as a person's pattern of walking, which involves coordination of muscles and balance and results in the forward propelling of the body in a rhythm called stride. The analysis of gait pattern involves proper recording of the pattern [photographs] and its measurement, along with interpretation of the psychological test scales that were administered to the same person whose gait pattern has been recorded. The objective of this research work was to study the relevance of personality and its effect in terms of the gait pattern of a person. Keywords: Gait pattern analysis, Criminal profiling, Personality, DASS-21, Eysenck’s Personality Inventory (EPI), Human gait pattern


Gait pattern analysis is a technique for measuring and analysing a person's walking stride. It is employed in many different disciplines, including as forensics (Nagwanshi, 2022), sports science (Gu et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2020), and medicine (Rubino, 2000). In the field of forensic science, gait pattern analysis is a technique that is implied in order to identify individuals (Sarkar et al., 2005), exclude suspects, and reconstruct crime scenes. Growing interest has been shown in the possibility of gait pattern analysis as a tool for determining personality characteristics in recent years (Kuhnke et al., 2019).

Certain researches to support the relationship between personality and gait type. The Association between High Neuroticism-Low Extraversion and Dual-Task Performance during Walking While Talking in Non-demented Olde [Adults Brittany C. LeMonda, Jeannette R. Mahoney, Joe Verghese and Roee Holtzer] states that individuals with high extra-version levels tended to walk with a longer stride and a more vivacious gait, whereas individuals with high neuroticism levels tended to walk with a shorter stride and a more cautious pace. Gait disorders in adults and the elderly - A clinical guide [Walter Pirker, Regina Katzenschlager] states that those who are pleasant tend to walk more symmetrically. In this research the relevance of personality and its effect in terms of gait pattern of a person (Destephe et al., 2013).

Factors such as age, heredity, disease, prior medical history (surgeries), the surface they are walking on, consumption of drugs (if used), and personality which can also affect a person's gait pattern. This study is done to ascertain the relationship of gait pattern with the personality of a human, along with considering all other factors mentioned above. The personality of the subject is assessed by administering psychological assessment tests, which are used as a tool in terms of analysing the personality and the present emotional state of the subject.

Review of Literature

The gait pattern can be used in terms of determining the personality of an individual based on their walk pattern. Numerous studies conducted by the author regarding the relevance of personality and its effect in terms of the gait pattern of a person are described herein.

• Relationship between personality and gait: predicting personality with gait feature [Jiumo Sun; Peiqi Wu; Yali Shen; Zhixin Yang], it hasbeen inferred that gait data can be used to provide insights into a person's personality, such as their level of neuroticism, extra-version, and psychoticism. This information can be used to improve our understanding of human behavior and to develop new ways to assess personality.

• Emotional Gait Generation Method based on Emotion Mental Model - Preliminary experiment with Happiness and Sadness [Matthieu Destephe; Kenji Hashimoto; Atsuo Tak], were the inference of this research states that Emotional gaits could be used to convey a variety of emotional messages, such as happiness, sadness, anger, and fear.

• Are we Revealing Hidden Aspects of our Personality When we Walk? [Brittany Blaskovits, Craig Bennel], provides important insights into the victim selection process and how body language can be used to detect vulnerability. This information can be used to develop strategies to prevent victimization.

• Self-esteem recognition based on gait pattern using Kinect [Bingli Sun, Zhan Zhang, Xingyun Liu, Bin Hu, Tingshao Zhu], the aim of the research was to ascertain whether is it possible to recognize the self-esteem based on using the Kinect. Outcome of this research states that the Kinect sensor could be used to measure self-esteem in a variety of settings, including clinical settings, schools, and workplaces. The study's findings have the potential to improve the assessment and treatment of low self-esteem.

• JAMA Neurology Clinical Challenge Personality Change and Gait Dysfunction – [Lawrence S. Honig, MD, PhD]; the aim was of the research was to ascertain whether is the any variation in terms of gait pattern of an individual in a case where that person affected by progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP)Outcome of this research stated that respective patient possess symptoms included gait and balance problems, personality changes, cognitive decline, and motor dysfunction.

• Recognition of Affect Based on Gait Patterns – [Michelle Karg, Kolja Kühnlenz, and Martin Buss] The study's findings imply that there are noticeable changes in gait patterns when people feel distinct emotions. The study investigates the feasibility of utilizing gait patterns to distinguish emotional states, demonstrating that emotions may impact how people walk.

Aim of Research

Determining the level of relevance in between the personality and present emotional state of a person via applying Eysenck personality inventory and DASS-21 and comparing the results along with the measurements of gait pattern to ascertain whether there is any sort of influence / variations in the gait patterns of a person [Multivariate analysis].


• The primary objective of this study is to verify whether there is any relevance in terms of personality and gait pattern (Janssen et al., 2008).

• In this research, factors such as personality (whether they are introverts, extroverts, or ambiverts), the neuroticism level of the subjects, and their present mental state are assessed and interpreted.


Primary data and secondary data were used in this research. A total of 35 subjects, both male and female, took part and were assigned to provide their gait pattern and administer the psychological assessments such as the Eysenck personality inventory and Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale - 21 items (DASS-21) respectively. The data was collected using google forms.

The gait pattern was recorded using thumb impression ink [in order to obtain a clear footprint], which was spread uniformly on a glass surface using a roller. The subjects were first made to place their feet on the glass surface, which bears the thumb impression ink, and then they were expected to walk on the tiled surface [in order to form an inked gait pattern]. All the subjects were made to walk on the same surface [tiles] in order to prevent any variations in the gait pattern caused by the differences in the surface. Then the obtained gait patterns were recorded via photography [long range, mid-range and close range]. In terms of identifying or detecting a person’s personality and present emotional state, after the respective subject / person whose gait pattern was been obtained prior will be subjected to psychological scaling tests: - Eysenck personality inventory and DASS-21 respectively.

• The gait pattern samples were measured using a measuring tape [20 feet length] and the measurements such as total stride length [3 strides], stride length [single stride] and single

foot measurement of each gait patters are taken and recorded (Troje, 2002).

• Another form of recording the gait pattern was done via photography based on the measurements mentioned above.

Figure No. 1, 2 and 3 shows the gait patterns that were provided by the subject and recorded using thumb impression ink and photography.

Figure No. 4: It shows the ink which is used for recording foot print - gait pattern

Figure No. 5: It shows the glass slab used for spreading the ink.

Google forms of eysenck personality inventory and depression, anxiety and stress scale - 21 items (dass-21): -

Figure No. 6: It shows the Eysenck personality inventory administered in terms of assessing the personality of a person via google forms.

Figure No. 7: It shows the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale - 21 items (DASS-21) administered in terms of assessing the emotional state of a person via google forms.

Result and Discussion

Multivariate analysis is used to predict the relevance in terms of personality and gait pattern (Karg et al., 2010). In order to ascertain the objectives of this research, the measurements of the gait pattern were taken and compared with the results of personality assessment tests in order to verify whether there is any variation in terms of measurements with relevance to the different personalities (Satchell et al., 2017). exhibited by the respective subjects [based on the mean values of the gait pattern measurements and the results of the personality assessment tests].

Scoring Key for the Psychological Assesment: -

Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale - 21 Items (DASS-21)

The rating scale is as follows:

0 - did not apply to me at all.

1 - Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time

2 - Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time

3 - It applies to me very much, or most of the time.

Figure No. 8: Shows the scoring key for Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale - 21 Items (DASS-21)

Eysenck Personality Inventory

Figure No. 9

Figure No. 10

Figure No. 11

Figure No. 12

Figure No. 13

Figures: 9,10,11,12,13 – They Show the scoring keys and scales for Eysenck Personality Inventory

Measurements Of Each Gait Patterns Admitted [Stride Measurement, Stride Length And Foot Measurement]

Table 1: Showing the recording of the measurements each gait patterns admitted [Stride measurement, stride length and foot measurement]

Interpretation Of The Relevance In Between The Measurements Of Gait Pattern Samples And Results Psychology Assesments

1. Interpretation of Eysenck Personality Inventory’s result

Table No. 2: Showing the types of personality in terms of the assessment and the percentage of subjects [out of 35] being in the respective personality category

2. Interpretation of Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale - 21 Items (DASS-21) results

Table No. 3: Showing the measurement of different emotional states in terms of the assessment and the percentage of subjects [out of 35] being in the respective personality category

3. Interpretation of gait pattern measurements

Table No. 4: Showing the different measurements of the gait pattern samples and the means values of the measurements carried over in measuring the gait patterns

Interpreation of The Relevance in Between the Measurements of Gait Pattern Samples and Results of Eysenck Personality Inventory

1. Interpretation of gait pattern measurements of subjects [Ambiverts]

Table No. 5: Showing mean values—interpretation of gait pattern measurements of subjects who are ambiverts in terms of their personalities

2. Interpretation of gait pattern measurements of subjects [Introverts]

Table No. 6: Showing mean values—interpretation of gait pattern measurements of subjects who are introverts in terms of their personalities

3. Interpretation of gait pattern measurements of subjects [Extroverts]

Table No. 7: Showing mean values—interpretation of gait pattern measurements of subjects who are extroverts in terms of their personalities

4. Interpretation of gait pattern measurements of subjects [Neurotic]

Table No. 8: Showing mean values—interpretation of gait pattern measurements of subjects who are neurotic in terms of their personalities

5. Interpretation of gait pattern measurements of subjects [non-Neurotic]

Table No. 9: Showing mean values—interpretation of gait pattern measurements of subjects who are non - neurotic in terms of their personalities

The outcomes and results from this particular research stated that there is no relevance in terms of personality to that of gait pattern due to the comparison done between the mean values of measurements of gait pattern with respect to the personality and emotional state of a person, which shows variation that is considerably lesser [ranging from 2 - 8 cm approx.] (Sepas-Moghaddam and Etemad, 2023) where these types of variations are seen commonly in cases of successive strides [or] due to abnormal walking patterns, so that gait pattern measurements cannot be used as a ddetermining factor in terms of ascertaining [or] interpreting the personality of a person or an emotional state of a person (Sun et al., 2017; Sun et al., 2018).


However, there are many predominant studies stating that there is certain relevance between personality and gait pattern, but when it comes to standardized measurements of gait patterns along with the administration of psychological assessments [in this particular research], the outcomes of this research state that the variations in terms of measurements [mean values] are considerably less when compared with the interpretations obtained as a result of the administered personality test. By inferring the outcomes of the research, we can come to a conclusion stating that there is no relevance in terms of gait pattern and the personality of a person.


• With a limited subject size of 35, research is carried out over a large scale of population, resulting in considerable variations in terms of outcomes [relevance between personality and gait pattern can be seen].

• Interpretations of results are not done based on the gender of individuals

• Only three yardsticks in terms of measuring gait pattern are taken into consideration.

• In the case of the DASS-21 scale, 5% of the total population of subjects gave false responses, which led to a slight variation in terms of the interpretation of the results as a whole.

Scope For Further Enhancement

This study opens the scope for further researches such as studying the: -

• Relevance between gait pattern and the psychological state of a person. [based on qualitative and quantitative research]

• Variation seen in the gait patterns with respect to the mental abnormalities or disorders found in an individual.

• Variation is seen in terms of gait pattern and its relevance in terms of drug abuse and the habits of an individual etc.


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How to cite this article?

APA StyleKY, Sreeram. “Analysis of Gait Pattern and it’s Relationship to Human Personality.” Academic Journal of Anthropological Studies, vol. 07, no. 01, 2024, pp. 1–9.
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