Academic Journal of

Arts and Humanities

[Abbr: Acd. Jr. AJAAH]

Child Labour as an Obstacles in the Development of India

by Kavita Krishnamurthy, Anuradha Subramaniam

Child Labour is defined as the paid or unpaid employment of children below the age 14 years, in various types of working areas such as factories (Cracker manufacturing, diamond polishing, carpet weaving) and other businesses. In the world, a large number of children are engaged in this activities which are classified as work. Now these days, child labour has become a complex and controversial issue. According to the annual report, India has a risk of child laboring. There are many factors such as poverty, migration etc. due to which children are forced to work. A large group of children are engaged in hazardous work. The employers put the children on work for many hours with less income. In order to reduce this problem, Government and other social rehabilitation centers play a vital role by starting many programs. This paper represents the types and causes of the child labour. And also discussed the condition of India regarding the child labour. Keywords: Migration, Causes, Hazardous work, Child Labour

Female Foeticide Factors

by Surya Sharma

Nowadays, sex discriminating abortions and an upsurge in the number of female infanticide instances that have a noteworthy societal phenomenon in various parts of India. Even before birth, girl children become target of attack because most people give preference to sons, which continues to be a widespread practice in a customary Indian household. Increase in the number and misuse of progressive technologies together with societal factors such as dowry, leads to a decrease in the women status that is concerned with family name and so look up to the son as the heir, has made the criminal practice of female feticide common in the middle as well as higher socio-economic households. This paper discusses about the factors which are responsible for female foeticide in India. Keywords: Female Foeticide, Abortion, Infanticides, Dowry

Indo-US Relation: An Overview

by Balvinder Singh

India and the United States are relishing progressively warm bilateral relationships. U.S.-India consensual relationships have advanced into a "universally considered enterprise", which is grounded on common democratic standards and growing junction of benefits on global, bilateral, and regional affairs, which shows the transformation of two countries past relationship. Soon as the cold war ended, the modification in bilateral relation of India and US was stemmed from a union of domestic, individual, and structural governance aspects. Good governance of both the countries created opportunities to strengthen bilateral ties. Currently, the U.S.- India consensual collaboration is extensively grounded and multiple sectorial, including skill and capital, security and defense, schooling, technology and science, space knowledge and applications, clean dynamics, environment, agriculture and health. The Energetic interaction of person-to-person and sustenance through the administrative gamut within the two nations would cultivate good joint relation. This paper studies main objective and highlight the issues which affects the relation of both countries. Keywords: India-US, Bilateral Ties, Relationship, Cold War

Role of Social Networking Sites in Education System

by Nitin Sharma

Nowadays, the electronic technologies are increasing day by day. In these technologies, social networking sites are most popular. More than 70 % people are using these sites for their entertainment and other works. Because of the new technologies, Social Networking Sites like Facebook, and Twitter play a vital role in the educational field. Through the use of these sites or tool, many problems are resolved students are able to improve their communication skill and learning process, the distance learning is possible through this social learning sites. But with the benefits, these sites have some challenges that are faced by the student in educational field such as privacy issue, time consumption, health issue etc. This paper represent the current scenario of the world regarding the use of social sites in the educational field with their pros and cons. Keywords: Networking Sites, Benefits, Challenges, Privacy

Impact of Western Culture on Indian Culture

by Manoj Prakesh

Indian ethos is considered as one of the oldest and richest culture and western culture is considered as the most advanced culture in the world. The two of them are dissimilar sorts of culture, believed and followed in various parts across the globe. The two of the ethos are diverse from each other as per a typical old-fashioned belief, but nevertheless, in present’s rational sphere of life, the two of them are coming together to a mix. But, the commonest and the most honest anxiety amidst the orthodox Indians (particularly the elder sect) is regarding the extensive spread of westernization amongst Indians. They doubt that western things, garments, cuisines, carnivals, panache, linguistic, and also western thinking is increasing and thus, its showing negative impact across the populace. The purpose of this paper is to look at the many reasons that cause such fears and analyze them by comparing with reality and discuss about the impact of westernization. Keywords: Culture, westernization, India, Heritage

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