Academic Journal of

Anthropological Studies

[Abbr: Acd. Jr. AJASt]

Estimation of Body Mass from Skeletal Remains

by Dr. Ranjeet Kumar Singh, Mahesh Sharma, Sheza Azeen

In the recent time, the anthropology has been developed to the extent where it is able to give the positive and satisfactory result regarding the identification of unknown person. There are many cases where only some skeletal remains or even single bones are found where the anthropologists face the challenges to establish the biological identity. In the identification, the scientist try to find out the age, race, stature, and sex of an individual through the skeletal remains. Now, to narrow down the identity aspect, the body mas has been included in the biological profile. There are very less research available on it but some studies are available play the significant role in the anthropological field. The body mass has the relation with the bones in the form of bone density, shape, size etc. this paper review those studies which worked on the estimation of body mass through skeletal remains. Keywords: Body Mass, Skeletal Remains, Biological Profile

A Study on Computerized Three-Dimensional Facial Reconstruction

by Kratika Mishra

Facial reconstruction is the method used for the purpose of identification of unknown human remains. The facial techniques are developed day by day and hence with the manual method of facial reconstruction, there introduce computerized three-dimensional facial reconstruction method for the purpose of identified the unknown skeletal remain. These method are used in the cases related with mass disaster, accidental cases, archeological research of skeletal remains etc.This technique comprises of both the scientific as well as artistic method skill. In the present study, there discuss about the advancement of 3D technology because of its cost effective, efficient and moreover fast services. The paper followed on the basis of the role of computer modeling skills in the anthropological search of the reconstruction of the face. There is also a need to be the high rate of improvement and validation in the working of computerized 3D technique of facial reconstruction so as to make the identification more efficient and quick and less labor intensive. Keywords: Facial Reconstruction, Skeletal remains, computerized, anthropological

Middle Childhood Health with Special Reference to the Environment: A Study of Pasis – a Scheduled Caste

by Nirja Singh

Monitoring Health during middle childhood is important, as it is the age of critical development, falling between infancy and adolescence, when children undergo critical physical, cognitive, and social changes. Further, culturally based interventions are known to have better success rate in improving access to and utilization of health services. The present research has been conducted to explore the socio-cultural, physical, economic, institutional and environmental factors affecting health, growth and development during middle childhood among the Pasis, a scheduled caste population in an urban setting of Lucknow. In the course of this anthropological study, extensive field work has been done in the year 2011-2012. It includes both the primary as well as secondary sources of data. The sample of 300 Pasi children, which belong to age group of 6 to 11 years, has been selected through simple random sampling. All the respondents and their family members have been interviewed. Along with it, observation and case study method have also been used for data collection. The research has been done to assess the condition of health, related aspects and prevailing child health care schemes. It also proposes the interventions and policy changes based on empirical field research evaluated against the criteria of efficacy and effectiveness; deliverability, affordability, and sustainability; ethical methods; and predicted effect on equity in the population. Key Words: Middle Childhood, Health, Scheduled Caste, Pasi

Estimation of Age from Teeth

by Mark Kwaku Asiedu, Mahesh Sharma, Dr. Ranjeet Kumar Singh

The teeth and oral structures are primarily use in the concern of forensic odontology for the identification in legal context. Various techniques of forensic odontology are help in the identification of human remains in the incidents like airplane, train and road accidents, mass murders, terrorists’ attack, natural disasters such as earth quakes, flood and tsunamis etc. Teeth is one of the hardest and well protected structures in human body. By using teeth, we can identify the age of any individual using different methods which play an important role in aspect of life through which person easily identify. Person age is estimated on the basis of mental age, dental age and chronological and bone age and so on. At this time, age estimation is very easier in less time with the help of forensic odontology. This paper is focus on the various aspects of age estimation of teeth such as radiographical, morphological and biochemical methods. Keywords: Age Estimation, Morphological, Chronological, Radiographical

Sexual Dimorphism through Pelvic Bone

by Gunjan Jindal

The most important and reliable step in forensic anthropology is to identify the sex from skeletal remains of an unknown individual by forensic experts and archeologists. The sex determination in human skeleton using different methods such as visual examination, X-ray examination, microscopic examination, bones anthropometric measurements and anthropometric measurement with use of statistics. This paper is focus on sex determination using hip bone which is consider as an ideal bone and provides the highest accuracy levels. The hip bone contain the dissimilarities between the two sexes in which female hip bone adapt the capacity of childbearing. According to Krogman, the degree of accuracy in sex determination through bones is as pelvis gives the 95% accuracy alone. In pelvis, Sciatic Notch Index is considered as the best criteria for sex determination. Keywords: Pelvic Bone, Sciatic Notch Index, Skeletal Remains

Estimation of Stature from Different Methods

by Garima Jindal

In the cases of mass disaster, mass fatality, and others, the identification of the person becomes difficult and challenging task for the forensic experts, anthropologist and medical experts. For the identification, there are many variables such as sex, age, race and stature of the person can narrow down the area of search. In these variables, stature also plays an important role in establishing the individuality of the unidentified person throughout the large fatalities. This paper reviews the different methods of stature estimation in which the correlation between stature and foot length, ring and index finger, right middle finger etc. and try to find out the significant correlation between bones and stature. All bones with stature show the correlation on the basis of regression equations. Keywords – Stature, Fatalities, Regression Equation

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