Nirja Singh, Shuchi Srivastava
Health and medical care is a major problem of the aged. Even, when one is not suffering from any disease, one experiences a gradual decline in physical strength with the growing age. But, in most cases the advanced age brings with it some chronic ailment and some of the aged get bedridden. They depend on others for their mobility and need medical care. This Anthropological study has been conducted to know about various aspects of health and related problems among the inmates of old age homes in Lucknow city, which included both the primary as well as secondary sources of data. The sample consisted of 50 institutionalized aged persons, including 25 males and 25 females selected through random sampling. It is concluded that health of the elderly people deteriorates with increasing age gradually which is a part of the natural process; and in this state of functional limitations, these inmates are getting the help and support from old homes in spite of their families. They depend upon the staff and fellow inmates. The overall picture reveals that only a small percentage is satisfied with the medical assistance and care. Thus, much remains to be done for the health care of the institutionalized aged in Lucknow. Key Words: Institutionalized Aged, Old Age Homes, Health Problems, Healthcare
The old age is the last phase of life. It continues till death. This is the age when one needs help, care and sympathy the most because he faces all type of social, economic, emotional and physical problems in this age. So at present, it is most essential and pertinent to understand and find out about the aged section of the society. According to Hooyman & Kiyak (1994), the gerontologists view aging in terms of four distinct processes: i. Chronological aging is the definition of aging on the basis of a person's years from birth; ii.Biological aging refers to the physical changes thatreduce the efficiency of organ systems, such as thelungs, heart, and circulatory system; iii. Psychological aging includes the changes that occur in sensory andperceptual processes, mental functioning, personality,drives and motives; iv. Social aging refers to anindividual's changing roles and relationships in thesocial structure -with family and friends, with the workworld and within organizations, such as, religious andpolitical groups. Health and medical care is a major problem of the aged. Lucky are those who are able to maintain good health as they advance in age. Even, when one is not suffering from any disease, one experiences a gradual decline in physical strength with the growing age. But, in most cases the advanced age brings with it some chronic ailment and some of the aged get bedridden. They depend on others for their mobility and need medical care. A few studies have been conducted about the aged in Lucknow (Soodan, 1975; Ahmad, 1992; Tyagi, 1999), which demonstrate the several aspects of aging. But, no any specific attempt has been done to know about the various aspects related to health status among the institutionalized aged in Lucknow. Therefore, against this drawback, this Anthropological study has been conducted to know about various aspects of health and related problems among the inmates of old age homes in Lucknow city.
Ahmad, M. (1992). A Study of the Problems of the Aged and Need for Social Intervention in Eastern U.P. Department of Social Work, University of Lucknow, Lucknow.
Hooyman, N. & Kiyak, H.A. (1994). Social Gerontology: A Multidisciplinary Perspective. Allyn & Bacon, Inc.
Soodan, K.S. (1975). Aging in India. Minerva, Calcutta.
Tyagi, N. (1999). A Social Work Study of Modus Vivendi and Family Adjustment of the Retired Aged in Lucknow. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Social Work, University of Lucknow, Lucknow.
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APA Style | Singh, N. & Srivastava, S (2019). Status of Health and Healthcare: an Anthropological Study of the Institutionalised Aged, 02(01), 26-38. |
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