Kratika Mishra
Sexual dimorphism is considered as the foremost and significant criteria for establishing the identity of an individual such as in the cases of mass disaster for the identification of mutilated bodies, any medico legal practices. It can be realized that the measurement of hand with the help of anthropometric measurement was used as a tool for sex determination. Hence there are various research work which is being in process for assessing the sex, stature, race etc. of an individual with the help of the anthropometric measurement. The anthropometric measurement of hand, foot, ear etc. are useful in the determination of sex of an individual. The present study is based on the hand dimensions which is helpful in discriminating the male and female so as to investigate and predict the sex of an individual. This research work is useful in the investigation of various criminal cases, or the case related with any disaster where the determination of sex is difficult. Key Words: Sexual Dimorphism, Anthropometric measurement, Hand dimensions, Medico-legal practice
Sexual dimorphism is defined as the difference between the males and females on the basis of the appearance within the same species like change in the shape, color, size, structure etc. hence it is the systematic divergence in the form between individuals of different sex. According to Dey and Kapoor, 2015, sex determination is considered as one of the significant and best criteria for the establishment of the identity of an individual. It is also very important in revealing and very much required in various medico-legal practice.
The anthropometric measurement plays a very vital role in the identification of the sex of any individual. Anthropometry is known as the earliest and best known method for the measurement of various body parts for the purpose of identification which is also considered and called as the Bertillon system for the investigation and identification of an individual or any criminal identification. In the present time there are various cases related with dismembered body parts which are happened because of various mass disaster or any natural disaster caused by the man or in case of any murder where identification of the body is very difficult. For the measurement of hand various anthropometric landmarks are considered for the analysis of hand length and hand breadth. The landmarks of hands used for the dimension of hand length and breadth.
Stylion - is a defined as the lowest point on the styloid process of the radius if the arm hangs sidewise. For locating the exact point, one has to palpate the entire lateral margin of the radius with the thumb-tip.
Dactylion - It is defined as the lowest point on the anterior curved top of the middle finger, provided arm hangs sidewise.
Metacarpale radiale - it is the most medially placed point on the head of the fifth metacarpal bone (on the stretched palm).
Metacarpale ulnare - it is defined as the most laterally placed point on the head of fifth metacarpal bone, on the stretched palm.
The present study has been concluded so as to co relate and found the determination of sex with the help of the hand measurement. The objective of the present study is to investigate and identify the sexual polymorphism with the help of the Hand length, Hand breadth and the Hand index. The basis motive is to study the variables which can more firmly predict the sex of an individual.
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APA Style | Mishra, K. (2018). Sexual Dimorphism from Hand Measurement: A Comparative approach. Academic Journal of Anthropological Studies, 01(01), 25-31. |
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