Anthropological Studies

Role of Mythology in Different Culture

Article Number: NXS127440 Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October- 2019 ISSN: 2581-4966
22nd Aug, 2019
11th Sep, 2019
07th Oct, 2019
17th Oct, 2019


Vaishnavi Hitendra Thakre, Kratika Mishra


Human beings are known for their being as meaning-seeking creatures who have the ability pf the imagination that make us to think by the manner of religion, characteristics and mythologies. The mythology is defined as the collection of myths that can be explained as the one belonging with the particular cultural, traditions and religion. The study of myth was initiated from the ancient history and continued in the present world as well with the wide variety of the academic and cultural aspects. The myth is used with the purpose of imply i.e. the story is not objectively true and real but can give the identification of the narrative belief. There also considered that the myths also represent the adherents of the view of religion and their religious stories as true and hence the object of the stories being named as myths. The present study focus on the concepts of myths in the different culture and give the representation the importance and significance of myths in different culture. The present paper concerned the role of mythology as the purpose of cultural identity. Keywords: Mythology, Myths, Culture, Religion, Narrative Belief, Traditions


The world is full of different type of people who are having different psychological thinking. Different people follow different culture and having different mythological knowledge and believes. The culture is define as the complex thing which include knowledge, art, belief, customs, morals and other related habits acquired as being a member of the society. Similarly the role of mythology and myths are very crucial among the individual of different culture and religion. Myth is considered as the story which is believed to be true as well as having it origin in the past historic time (Jaha, 2014).

According to Greek mythology concept, the word myth is define as story or word and hence mythology is simple defined as the study of myth. It explained in a manner that myth expresses how the characters or indorse an ordered sequence of events. The myth was well-defined as figurative stories of the distant past that concern about cosmology and cosmogony i.e. nature and origin of universe and may be associated to belief rituals and systems and simultaneously serve as direct social values and actions.

Mythology: The mythology can be defined as a body of interlinked myths, stories, expressed by a particular cultural group with the purpose of enplaning the world consistent connecting a people experience of their living world. The mythology is also considered as the belief system which overall concerned with the supernatural being or power of culture which [provide rationale for the religion of the culture and its practices. It also reflects how an individual linked to each other in their daily routine life. The interrelationship of mythology and myths showed the entire culture’s view of the world in a manner of individual’s assumptions and ideas about the humankind and moreover the limits and working of the spiritual as well as natural world (


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How to cite this article?

APA StyleThakre, V. H. & Mishra, K (2019).Role of Mythology in Different Culture. Academic Journal of Anthropological Studies, 02(02), 12-15.
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