Sanjay Purohit
The methodology of action research is found to be a valuable and a problem-solving tool that can offers opportunities for the improvement, transformation, and reflection of teaching. The area is new in mathematics education research and then the approaches of qualitative research are applied that requires special attention to improve the credibility and the trustworthiness of this approach. It is considered as necessary to be aware of the restrictions or the limitations that are associated with these methods. The interview approach in the research literature is the qualitative methods which are a tool for data gathering. The challenges which are facing by the researchers are based on the reliability, validity, and generability. This paper traces the growth and the changes in mathematics education research. The interdependence with research along with the focusing on the research perspectives, the methods, the approaches of philosophy, empirical and disciplinary. Keywords: action research methodology, mathematics education research, qualitative research
Education research is simply the inquiry, the variety of the disciplinary actions, the curiosity like what is going on in the classroom. The initiation of this intellectual curiosity is performed or done intentionally or and in a systematic manner, that is grounded for the purpose of evaluation of some evidence that results in the data of the research findings which is shared with the peer groups for review and for the purpose of knowledge expansion. The major reasons in following research related to the education are to:
• Evaluating the practice in the classroom using a progressive and systematic way for the processing of the inquiry
• All the failures and the profits should be recorded along with the completion of the goal of student improvement in the learning process and in practice of teaching.
• The findings are examined with respect to the literature of educational research which is already existing.
• The experiences are shared and then distributed to analyze what a researcher knows about the process of teaching and learning.
• The practice of teaching and theory building is verified that relates to the educational methods.
Educational Research Process – This is a cyclic and iteration of a mathematical or computational process in which the information conveys from one to the next. The new concepts of information and learning at every stage affects the previous and succeeding steps that lead to alterations in the research question and research design (Corinne 2016).
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APA Style | Purohit. S (2019). Research Methodology for Mathematical Studies. Academic Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 1(1), 13-18 |
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