Forensic Sciences

Reformation in Legal System and Governance to Curb Cyber Terrorism

Article Number: NMF783711 Volume 05 | Issue 01 | April - 2022 ISSN: 2581-4273
23rd Aug, 2021
16th Nov, 2021
18th Feb, 2022
13th Apr, 2022


Dr. Neelkamal Ganesh, Dr. Dhwani Patel , Dr. Pankti Patel, Dr. Swati Kanojia


Cyberterrorism is the future of terrorist activities, it is driven by the motive of destroying enemies’ operational capabilities. They inflict social hatred amongst the people of a community based on status, religion, nationality, etc. It is grouped into 3 main categories Simple – Unstructured, Advanced – Structured and Complex- Co-ordinated. The recent Boll on Cryptocurrency and Regulation of Official Digital Currency 2021 is also being discussed in Parliament. With the due progress of time various amendments are done in the legal system in the Information Technology Act and the Cyber laws. Improvement in governance to restrain terrorist activities have also brought about some changes which will be put forth in the following paper. Keywords: Cyber Terrorism, Cyber Crime, Money Laundering, Cryptocurrency.


In advancements of technologies, the future wars in the world will not be like the conventional ones on land air, or water; but a Cyber War. In simple words, it is an unlawful act against society on grounds of partisan and communal disharmony through the medium of computers and the internet. The divulgence of Edward Joseph Snowden, an expert who worked in Central Intelligence. He disclosed documents of Global surveillance program run by NSA in co-operation with telecommunication agencies and European Government. These revelations specified that considerable of the NSA scrutiny aimed at India’s internal politics and its commercial and strategic interests, exhibiting India’s helplessness to cyber prying in all areas. India was 5th amongst the targeted countries.

The wars in the coming times would attack the distinguished sectors of:

1. Defense

2. Finance sector

3. Documents of internal and external security

4. Rail and Air Traffic Control Management

5. Satellite and Communication Sector

6. Prime Institutions of Science and Research and Development. (Janczewski and Colarik, 2007)


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How to cite this article?

APA StyleGanesh, Dr. N. et al. (2022). Reformation in Legal System and Governance to Curb Cyber Terrorism. Academic Journal of Forensic Sciences, 05(01), 08–11.
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