Sudhanshu Dwivedi
Currently, nanotechnology is one of the emerging field in research and development globally and has become the highly energized discipline. Nanotechnology is defined as phenomena and operation of material at nanoscale, from 0.1 nm to 100 nm, which is applied to different field such as physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, etc. Nanotechnology techniques are rapidly developing in the fields of medical imaging, targeted drug delivery, biosensors also. It is basically helping significantly to improve and even revolutionize, many technologies and industry sectors. It also involved in the creation and manipulation at nanometer scale, either by scaling up from single groups of atoms or by purifying bulk materials. In this paper an effort has been done to study the current development and future perspective of nanotechnology on the basis of the different secondary information available. The paper initiated with short description about what nanotechnology is and how it’s connected to other science, further describing about the view of different researchers on the application of nanotechnology in different discipline. Keywords: Nanotechnology, Future Perspective
“Nano” the term defines and is used as a prefix for one billionth, or if talking numbers it is represented as 10 to the times -9. The very concept of the scientific study of Nano came to the light by a Nobel Laureate and a physicist named Richard P Feynman, it was through his famous lecture held in December 1959 in a meeting at the American Physical Society where he quoted saying “There is a plenty room at the bottom”.
Although the term “nanotechnology” was coined by a professor in the Tokyo University of Science. Norio Taniguchi invented this term in the year 1974, where he wanted to describe extra-high precision and ultra-fine dimensions. It has created great deal of delight around the world and has been referred to as key technology of the 21st century. If it gets properly addressed it would open gate of opportunities for strengthening the economy of developing countries.
It is basically study of phenomena and operation of material at atomic, molecular and macromolecular level, it is done to understand and exploit properties that are different from properties of greater atoms.
The simple answer to the question that what is Nano particle is any particle which has size less than 100 nm.
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APA Style | Dwivedi, S. (2019). Nanotechnology as a Diverse Field. Academic Journal of Nanotechnology, 1(1), 1-6 |
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