Nabanita Phukan
The most emerging field in science and technology with a large number of ideas and application is Nano-science and Nanotechnology (NT). It is expected that nanotechnology brings revolutionary changes in many areas with great risks and benefits. In the field nanotechnology the research in defense and development expanding very rapidly. Many countries and states are taking a serious interest in the application of nanotechnology in the defense field. Nanotechnology holds many great promises. Nanotechnology will permit a new kind of weapons that will change the geopolitical setting leftovers to be realized. Numerous uncertain safety enigmas led to the occurrence of nanotechnology have conclusions for defense policy, arms control, international security, and in many other fields. For the social and economic gain, many programs were initiated globally. This paper examines the effect of Nanotechnology on defense by studying the global trends and the evolution of nanotechnology in India is also be discussed. The existing and forth-coming application of nanotechnology for military purposes, as well as other expected influence on arms control, is also discussed. Keywords: Nano-technology, Impacts, Future, Defense
Nano-Technology has two important but different meanings. One is that in which any technology handling something smaller than 100 Nano-meter in size. The other meaning is referred to building and creating of machines in which every chemical bond and the atom is surely detailed.
The advancement of science and technology gives the structuring of matter at the scale of a nanometer (1nm = 10-9m, a billionth of a meter). As we see the advancement of nanotechnology it will become the backbone of future fundamental technology. Nanotechnology is an interdisciplinary as well as a multidisciplinary area of investigation and application. The broad spectrum of applications that nanotechnology is and will be providing to speaks of its omnipresence. Be it in electronics, textiles, agriculture, medicine, energy, cosmetics, healthcare, transport, construction, water treatment etc.
The occurrences and handling of resources at atomic, molecular, and macromolecular measures, to understand the qualities which considerably differ on a large measure is generally known as Nano science.
As per the US: National Nanotechnology Initiative
“Nanotechnologies are the application of structures, devices, characterization, design, production, and systems which are controlled on the basis of size and shape on a nanometer scale. The properties like chemical, physical, biological, electrical and other behave in an individual and unique way at this scale. So the properties of uniqueness and individuality open up many new way or ideas for their application and enquiry”.
Nanotechnology is the process of assimilating and controlling of any matter at measurements of approximately 1 to 100 nanometers, where distinctive portents enable fresh applications. Incorporating Nano scale science, technology and engineering comprise measuring, imaging, manipulating, and modeling matter at this length scale.
Being a developing skill, nanotechnology is in a promising phase of its innovation, research, and development. It is different from all the other technologies. At this present phase of growth, nanotechnologies are being continually improved and updated. For the socio-economic needs nations try to build all the possibilities offered by the modern science and technology, but there is a need for a wide range of practices and organizations.
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How to cite this article?
APA Style | Phukan, N. (2019). Nanotechnology and its Military Applications Academic Journal of Nanotechnology, 1(1), 23-28 |
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