Home Science and Food Technology

Meal Planning

Article Number: QQI843260 Volume 01 | Issue 01 | January - 2019 ISSN: UA
24th Sep, 2018
19th Oct, 2018
26th Dec, 2018
18th Jan, 2019


Kawalpreet Kaur


In this paper, the value of meal planning has been discussed. The term meal planning is creation a meals plan constituting adequate nutrition for everyone within the existing resources, if we can implement the meal planning in proper ways with certain strategy, there are very bright chances that the coming won’t have to suffer with issues that are generated because of lack in the meal planning and there are many benefit of meal planning one more great advantage of planning of meal is the period it protects. The following paper will aid to determine the fundamental concept behind meal planning is causing encouraging modifications in diet of child and weight status or method to this problem is to deliver a system of meal planning giving references of appropriate recipes of food recipes, captivating central issues like cost, variation, nutrient content, etc. Preparation meals aids you achieve your time better and creates meal preparation easier and it similarly helps you recover your own health and the health of your people. Keywords- Meal Planning, diet planning, quality, nutrients


In the present paper our method to assisting peoples alter their consumption of food behavior is a system that endorses meal plans. The information is vital to confirm that you are consuming the right food in the correct amounts. In present paper, we will study how to confirm the nutritious capability of the food that you consume every single day and how you can able to design the same. Food exchanges make diet planning easy. The meal atmosphere is different as the system that consider the menu, meal delivery and meal production. It desires to help choice of food in terms of the judgment when inhabitants can choice food items from the menu. It is not suitable that choices be ended days earlier the real meal, as persons may not recall what they have certain when service takes place.

The planning of meal planning is building a strategy of meals with adequate nutrition for every individual surrounded by the existing means. The ‘available resources’ is defined as whatever the family has in relations of energy, time and money and the issues inducing a person's choice of food have been studied to a equally huge extent in the science of nutrition and food.


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How to cite this article?

APA StyleKaur, K. (2019). Meal Planning. Academic Journal of Home Science and Food Technology, 1(1), 21-25.
Chicago Style
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