Anthropological Studies

Lip Print Examination: A Tool Used In Investigation

Article Number: SNN800986 Volume 03 | Issue 01 | April - 2020 ISSN: 2581-4966
12th Mar, 2020
31st Mar, 2020
13th Apr, 2020
23rd Apr, 2020


Sudhakar Yadav


Lip prints are the same as a fingerprint which is used for the purpose of personal identification such as their individual characters for every human (Male and Female). Lips have their own unique feature and these unique features can be analyzed by the Cheiloscopy examination, lip print can help the investigating officers in linking between subject and location where show the absent and present in the crime scene. The lip print basically fissures by the attached to the wrinkles and grooves by the labial mucosa were known as Sulci labiorum, in the scientific language, the study of the lip prints is called Cheiloscopy which is a Greek word which means skopein-see and chelios-lips it's more helping in the field of forensic science for identification or examination. The methods used in the development of lip print from the crime scene in which the use of lip print kit such as cellophane tape, thin paper, magnifying glass usually used 10x, brush, and lipstick. Lip print also helps in sex determination. The present study is moreover related to defining the authenticity of lip print on the basis of individual feature which was similar to that of fingerprints. Key Words: Cheiloscopy, Lip Print, Forensic Science


The study of the lips print called Cheiloscopy was derived from the Greek word which means skopein-see and chelios-lips and came from the study of lip print. The lip prints are basic line which is fissures by the wrinkles and where present of grooves in the field of the transition of the human lips. Between the outer or inner labial mucosa skin, lip prints are the same as compared with a fingerprint which deciphers the personal identification of every individual, and hence the study is used in forensic science for the purpose of identification by unique and individuality principle. It can be identified for the method of sex determination with the help of the lip print, where the investigation of lip print will be helpful in determining the link between suspect with the evidence covering various things like location such as cloths and body (neck, cheeks, and face). During the investigation, the lip print can be easily found in things such as Water glass, cup, etc. In forensic science, the study of lip print is as used and defined as trace evidence (Bharathi.S 2015).

In 1902 Fischer was the first man who describes the red part of the human lips. After a renowned criminologist Edmond Locard who given the method that the lip print used for personal identification. In 1970 a Japanese investigator Suzuki and Tsuchihashi have given the measurement of the lip print and classification of the lip print such as vertical line, horizontal line, reticular pattern, intersected groove (Nalliapan 2016).


Before taking a lip print from the subject, first of all, take a cotton swab and start cleaning the lips by swabbing upper and lower part of the lips then applied lips stick on the lips (Figure 2) with the help of the brush to the lower part of the lip then guide the subject to rub both the lips for uniformity in the entire lip (Figure 3), later wait for 2-3 minutes and then use the cellophane tape for transferring the impression on it and stick on the lips. Now place the tape carefully after lifted from the lips (Figure 4). Later, paste the cello tape having an impression on a thin bond paper (Figure 5) and followed the procedure by marking it as upper right, upper left, and lower right, lower left respectively. It is also required to mark the angle or position of the lip print in the thin bond paper, take a record of the lip print for the purpose of further analysis, and the future examination of the lip print (Sharma 2009).


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APA StyleYadav, S. (2020). Lip Print Examination: A Tool Used In Investigation. Academic Journal of Anthropological Studies, 03(01), 25–29.
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