Prachi Janardhan Kathane, Garima Jindal, Dr. Ranjeet Kumar Singh
Molecular genetic identification of an individual from the human skeleton or remains plays a very important role in forensic field. There is need to extract, amplify and purify the sample before the analysis for getting the accurate result. This review paper discuss about the different genetic markers such as Short Tandem Repeats (STRs), Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNPs), Y-chromosome and Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) through which an individual can be identified from their skeletal remains. For this analysis, the comparison is made between the remains (evidence sample) and reference sample. After the collection of evidence sample, the reference sample is collected from their belonging or their family members, relatives. The time for extraction and analysis of the DNA depends on the availability of biological materials like blood, soft tissues, bone, teeth, nails and hair. The analysis of DNA from bones and teeth are most demanding and time consuming method. This molecular genetic identification are very helpful in case of missing person, burnt bodies, absence of sample of an individual for comparison. This paper also discuss about the estimation of sex from these genetic markers. Keywords: Genetic Markers, Short Tandem Repeat, Mitochondrial DNA, Single Nucleotide Polymorphism, Y-Chromosome
The molecular genetics play a vital role in the identification of individuals from the human remains. During the disaster, the victims are identified in a mass graves through the DNA and their genetic markers. So, the genetic marker become a valuable tool for the identification purpose. The use of DNA for the identification purpose has been popularized worldwide as a unique evidence in criminal and civil legal proceedings. Molecular genetic methods are also used to identify the biological traces found in the case of criminal activity. Also used to identify the charred, hanged or drowned persons, road traffic or train accident, recovered from fire and explosion and found after long time of death. Before the identification of an individual on the basis of highly polymorphic DNA markers, traditional forensic technique, anthropological approaches are used for identification purpose. As we discussed the DNA evidence can be used after a long time of death, this is because of the unchanged property as it remains same throughout the life except contamination (mixing of another DNA during handling, or processing).
When the analysis of DNA is done with old bones, the problems like low quantity of starting molecules, presence of inhibitors of polymerase chain reaction, and degradation of DNA are faced. The mtDNA analysis is used the forensic context for the identification purpose of an individual but it is not sufficient to provide the complete result. So, nuclear short tandem repeat (STR) loci are used along with mtDNA analysis. In mtDNA, the circular structure DNA protect it from vulnerability and not degraded easily. The mtDNA also present in multiple copies of the cell.
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APA Style | Kathane, P. J. et al. (2019). Identification of Human Remains through Molecular Genetics: A Review. Academic Journal of Anthropological Studies, 02(02), 07-11. |
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