Damanpreet Kaur, Mayank, Uttam Singh
Somatometry is a type of anthropometry which includes measurements of living beings as well as cadavers of the body including head and face. In cases where the body is mutilated/ decomposed and it is difficult to recognize the person from the face, it can be possible to identify the person from the bones of the skull and face. The present study is conducted on two different communities of Punjab state that are JATT SIKHS and BRAHMINS. The sample size comprises 400 healthy males including 200 of each community between the age of 25-35 years. The present study aims to find different indices which include different cranial measurements such as maximum head length, maximum head breadth, maximum head height, the circumference of the head, minimum breadth of the frontotemporal, maximum breadth of zygomatic breadth, maximum breadth of bigonial, physiogonic facial height, morphological facial height, nasal height, nasal breadth, lip length, lip breadth, ear length and ear breadth of the right ear. The study revealed that both the communities follow the almost same trend in all calculations. Very few differences can be seen in the comparative values of both communities. According to different indices, the shapes of both communities fall under the same category. The detailed study is presented below. The data obtained in the present study may be useful to distinguish the two major communities of Punjab (India) and can be used in anthropological research, forensic cases. Key Words: Somatometry, Zygomatic Breadth, Anthropometry, Cranial measurement
Somatometry is the technique used for individualization since every person is different in various aspects. It gives an idea about the general physique, the appearance of an individual & one can be distinguished between two races, natives of two countries, state or two communities. As many studies conducted on the Punjabi population, but there is no study carried on the differences between two major communities of Punjab, i.e., Jatt Sikh and Brahmins. So, the present study is an approach to study the differences in craniofacial measurements and their indices of the above-named communities. For the study, 14 measurements (Maximum. Head Length, Maximum. Head Breadth, Head Height, Minimum Breadth Of Frontotemoral, Maximum Breadth Of Zygomatic Arch, Maximum Breadth Of Bigonial, Physiognomic Facial Length, Morphological Facial Length, Nasal Length, Nasal Breadth, Height Of Integumental Lips, Lip Length, Ear Length, and Ear Breadth) and 10 indices (Cephalic Index, Length Height Index, Breadth Height Index Jugo Frontal Index, Jugo Mandibular Index, Physiognomic Facial Index, Morphological Facial Index, Nasal Index, Lip Index, And Ear Index) of the measurements are the basis of the differentiation of two communities.
Craniometry and facial measurements are useful in making of different equipment such as goggles, headphones, helmets, etc. and also in medical lines for accidental surgeries, plastic surgeries, etc.
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APA Style | Kaur, D. et al. (2020). Discrimination of Two Communities of Punjab on the Basis of Craniofacial Measurements. Academic Journal of Anthropological Studies, 03(02), 05-11. |
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