Forensic Sciences

Dermatoglyphics Inferences in Sex Determination amongst Tribal Population – A Review

Article Number: GRJ744906 Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October - 2019 ISSN: 2581-4273
28th May, 2019
17th Jun, 2019
04th Jul, 2019
01st Oct, 2019


Kiruthiga U


Dermatoglyphics is a well-known detailed scientific study of epidermal ridges that are present on the palmer surface, fingers and sole of the feet. The epidermal ridges are known for their individuality and uniqueness that are distinguishable even between the monozygotic twins and thus their forensic significance. The present review focuses on the characteristic features of fingerprints such as ridge density, total fingerprint ridge count (TFRC) and ridge breadth amongst tribal population in India and other countries. Keywords: Dermatoglyphics, Fingerprints, Tribal population.


The term “Dermatoglyphics” was termed by Dr. Harold Cummins, and is derived from the Greek word meaning derma as skin and glyph as carving. It is a study and interpretation of the papillary ridges that are present on the fingertips, elaborating their uniqueness and individuality for the purpose of differentiating each individual from their own kind. This study is not only limited to the fingerprint patterns but extended to the quintessential level of studying the individual characteristics that each pattern possess. There are various studies that were conducted in this field for not only the purpose of individualizing any kind but also to discriminate the gender, ethnicity and to analyse their psychological state.  

As a fact of being a characteristic feature in personal identification, various researchers have conducted groundwork to enhance the dermatoglyphics from different perspectives. This review study mainly ocuses on the fingerprints of the tribal population. These tribal populations are well known for their different habitat, culture, food habits and growing environment. There are various studies that were performed on the  indigenous groups such as the one that was conducted on Sub-Saharan population1 worked specifically upon the male subjects displayed significantly lower ridge density in comparison to males subjects of the Spanish population in distal region (ulnar and radial) of all ten digits. 

Secondly, the study conducted on the Hausa ethnic group of Kano state, Nigeria predicted that there was not much difference found on both the sexes either on their radial, ulnar or the proximal areas of the left thumb, whereas significant changes were found on the right thumb. The ridge thickness was found more on the radial region of the female population and on ulnar area of the male population. His study prominently showed that the female ridge count can be less in number than the male population contrasting to the previous studies those of that were conducted on subjects of various geographical area denoting that female has 14 or more ridge count and male has 13 or less ridge count, only when the sample is taken from the proximal region. 


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APA StyleU, Kiruthiga. (2019). Dermatoglyphics Inferences in Sex Determination amongst Tribal Population – A Review . Academic Journal of Forensic Sciences, 02(02), 01-07.
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