Forensic Sciences

Critical Review on Role of Blood Protein in Forensic Science

Article Number: EKD046345 Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October - 2019 ISSN: 2581-4273
10th Aug, 2019
05th Sep, 2019
27th Sep, 2019
12th Oct, 2019


Anu Priya Singh, Priya Singh, Dr. Vaibhav Saran


In crime scene, mostly blood, semen, saliva, urine, vaginal fluid, sweat etc. are mostly found in case of sexual assault, theft, burglary, murder, suicide, homicide, road accident etc. these evidence play major role in criminal investigation as they can help to link criminal with crime as act of Locard principal of exchange. This reviewed paper discuss about the different techniques for the identification of blood protein in the body fluids. Also explains the difference between the body fluids on the basis of specific protein present in all body fluids. Keywords: Blood Protein, Body Fluids, SDS-PAGE, MALDI-TOF.



Blood is a body fluid in humans it is compose of blood cell and blood plasma. Blood cell constitutes 45% of blood fluid. Protein are also called plasma protein which constitutes 55% of blood fluid. It is essentially an aqueous solution containing 92% water 8% blood plasma proteins. Plasma contain verity of protein like albumin globulin fibrinogen. Blood protein serves different function including transport of lipid, hormone, and vitamins, mineral and functioning of immune system, it also acts as enzyme.

Blood Protein

Determination of the protein constituents of human plasma has been an active area of research for several years1Proteins are composed of individual units called amino acids2. Hundreds of proteins are dissolved in the plasma, Protein identification is an integral part of proteomics research.3.The analysis of proteins within forensic science is a seldom documented 4. In crime scene mostly blood semen saliva urine vaginal fluid, sweat etc. are mostly found in case of sexual assault theft burglary murder suicide homicide road accident etc. these evidence play major role in criminal investigation as they can help to link criminal with crime as act of locard principal of exchange5-7. The application of protein analyses that are more sophisticated and sensitive than those technique currently utilized within forensic science 8. Protein studied have maximum used in medical science by measuring the concentration of these proteins, the clinician can obtain information regarding disease states of human 9-16. Human Serum contains several proteins which have various concentration but bulk of protein is lower. molecular weight protein 


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How to cite this article?

APA StyleSingh, A. Singh, P. and Saran, V. (2019). Critical Review on Role of Blood Protein in Forensic Science. Academic Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2(2), 26-35.
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