Dr. Ranjeet Kumar Singh
In the forensic field, the study of the skeletal remains is an important task for the anthropologists to solve the mystery of an individual. In their investigation, they work on the skeletal remains and give their opinion on the identification of individuals through the age, race, sex and stature, cause of death as well as manner of death. For the determination of these features, the trauma analysis is very crucial part in anthropology. Trauma is the injury on the tissue due to external force. It may occur before death called antemortem trauma, at the time of death called perimortem trauma or after death called postmortem trauma. After observing the fractures or trauma, the anthropologist find out whether it is the antemortem, perimortem or postmortem based on the healing process and vital biochemical reaction which occur during the life. These traumatic injuries also reveal the type of weapon which was used to create these injuries. In this paper, we reviewed on the analysis of trauma in skeletal analysis and it also discussed some techniques such as CT scan, MDCT, and SEM etc. which are used to visualize the traumatic injuries. Keywords: Ante mortem Trauma, Peri mortem Trauma, Postmortem Trauma, Techniques
An important information is delivered by the skeleton which helps anthropologist and archeologist in the investigation. In the investigation of fossils (paleontology), traumatology is most interesting aspect. By the help of traumatic injuries present on the ancient human remains, we are able to analyze the lifestyle of the ancient people. This type of injuries are common to the anthropologists because the injuries occurred in the lifetime are remain preserved in bones after death.
In the analysis of paleotrauma, the determination of lesion types gives evidence regarding the intergroup conflict or warfare, interpersonal violence, and daily activities. The main aim of trauma analysis is to interpret the social, cultural and environmental causes which lead to the trauma and also determine the relation between the age or sex and trauma, between temporal and geographical patterning, and trauma (Licata and Armocida, 2015).
The relation among the dry skeleton pathology (disease or trauma) and forensic anthropology has been proved a vital tool in the human rights violations investigation mentioned in Latin America from the 1970 to 1990s. After many studies, many approvals for skeletal trauma are considered:
1. The experts must avoid rumors
2. The whole body or skeleton should be observed in detail.
3. All present lesion or trauma should be recorded and detailed as per the topography.
4. The variability of trauma or injuries should be taken into account based on the age, sex, previous health etc. (Schmitt, Cunha and Pinheiro, 199).
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APA Style | Singh, R. K. (2019). Analysis of Trauma in Skeletal Remains . Academic Journal of Anthropological Studies, 02(01), 11-15. |
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