
A Study on Differential Gene Expression by RNA-Sequencing Technology

Article Number: JIA910104 Volume 01 | Issue 01 | January - 2019 ISSN: UA
18th Sep, 2018
30th Oct, 2018
19th Dec, 2018
04th Jan, 2019


Mahesh Sharma, Pradyut Kumar Mohanty


Differential gene expression is an important project in the field of biology. From the study of gene expression, the production of new gene product can be made by the information of gene. These expression need very high skill and time. In past, gene expression is done by the microarray based techniques that have the many drawbacks. Nowadays new technology ‘RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) is used for the gene expression that overcomes the drawback of microarray techniques. In RNA-Seq analysis, a large number of tools are accessible that have the same steps: reading the alignment, expression modeling, and determination of variably expressed genes. These tools are edgeR, DESeq, baySeq, NOIseq and so on. This paper represents the presentation of RNA-Seq in the identification of differential gene expression with their different software tool. It also defines the types of RNA-Seq that have the use in the detection of gene of disease i.e., Cancer. Keywords: Gene Expression, RNA-Seq, Tools


For the analysis of gene expression, RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) has a number of technological benefits such as, a wider dynamic range and the liberty from predesigned probes. This RNA sequencing examine transcriptomes and can be applied in biological research, drug discovery and clinical development. RNA sequencing avoids some of the technical limitations such as varying probe performance and cross-hybridization and have broader dynamic range in the comparison of microarray-based transcriptome profiling. In biological system, the expression levels of thousands of genes can be measured simultaneously by the help of RNA-Seq that also provides insights into functional pathways, regulatory networks, alternative splicing, unannotated exons and novel transcripts. In the analysis of gene expression, the gene expression signatures changes are identified by the comparison of two or more condition (Williams et al, 2017).

Types of RNA Sequencing

Single RNA-Seq: In single cell, RNA sequencing have a new approach with the study of complex biological processes. In recent years, qualitative microscopic images and quantitative genomic datasets are used by single RNA-Seq for the study of cancer. There are many disease can be resolved such as resolving solid tumor heterogeneity, recognizing stem cells, tracing cell lineages and population consumption, measuring the mutation rates, and detecting the fusion gene sequences by the single cell genome and exome sequencing. In this way, single cell sequencing provides more accurate measurement.


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How to cite this article?

APA StyleSharma, M., & Mohanty, P. K. (2019). A Study on Differential Gene Expression by RNA-Sequencing Technology. Academic Journal of Bioinformatics, 1(1), 6-9.
Chicago Style
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