Forensic Sciences

A review of Credit card Fraud Detection techniques in e-commerce

Article Number: LWJ669778 Volume 01 | Issue 01 | April - 2018 ISSN: 2581-4273
26th Dec, 2017
10th Feb, 2018
18th Mar, 2018
01st Apr, 2018


Kaneeka Joshi, Ranjeet K. Singh


With the rise and light growth in e – commerce, the use of credit card for online transactions is also increasing dramatically. Due to this there is a great amount of increase in credit card frauds for which there is a requirement of various detection techniques for determining the fraudulent transactions. Frauds can either be offline or online for regular purchases, credit card is used as a mode of payment. Fraud is considered as the most ethical issue in credit card frauds and it is a million dollar business which is rising every year. Recent advances in techniques based on Data mining, Algorithm system (Genetic algorithm, Artificial Algorithm), Machine learning, Hidden Marokov model are the modern techniques that are introduced for detecting credit card fraudulent transactions. This paper reviews all the fraud detection techniques which have some advantages and disadvantages as well. As according to the study Hidden Markov model and Data mining techniques are considered as the best suitable techniques and may be considered over other techniques successfully. Key Words: Credit card, fraud detection, Data mining, Hidden Markov model, and e –commerce.


Fraud generally refers to obtaining money and goods/services by wrongful or criminal deception or in illegal way which intends to result in personal or financial gain. Fraud deals with criminal events that needs identification which becomes difficult. Due to the development of technology and the increase of internet usage, credit card frauds or can say online frauds are increasing day by day. This wide ranging term “credit card fraud” used for theft or any fraud committed or any transaction that is done as to gain a fraudulent source of funds in a transaction. Credit card fraud is defined as when an individual uses another person’s credit card information for his/her personal use without the consent of the owner. These credit card frauds need immediate detection which should be active. In the cases of web technologies the research is necessary as it supports E-commerce in managing and building these applications. This business of E –commerce makes it possible to shop anything anytime as it have no time and geographical restrictions.

Detection of these frauds is difficult task if using normal process of detection, so the use of models i.e., fraud detection models is considered as of more importance in cases of academic or business organizations. E- Commerce are of many kinds – B2B (Business to Business), B2C (Business to Consumer), C2C (Consumer to Consumer) are the three popular application forms of E-commerce. As we have discussed number of models/ systems/ configuration/ process and some preventive measures that are used to avoid credit card fraud which reduces financial risks. These include some common cases such as acquiring or property trading which includes personal and intangible property such as stocks, bonds and copyrights. It is becoming essential to combat these type of fraudulent transactions for which various techniques were applied such as Hidden Markov Model, Artificial Intelligence, Sequence Alignment, Data Mining Techniques, Multiple cryptographic Algorithms and Genetic programming techniques (Rana and Baria, 2015; Meshram and Yenganti).

Types of Frauds

Credit card frauds are mainly divided into two classes:

• Offline frauds – are committed by using credit cards that are stolen at place.

• Online frauds – are committed via internet, shopping, phone, and web or in case of absence of credit card (Rana and Baria, 2015).


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Joshi, K. & Singh, Dr. R. K. (2018). A review of Credit card Fraud Detection techniques in e-commerce. Academic Journal of Forensic Sciences, 01(01), 05-11.

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