Anthropological Studies

A Retrospective View Over “Human Migration”

Article Number: LEZ234962 Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October- 2019 ISSN: 2581-4966
10th Sep, 2019
27th Sep, 2019
04th Oct, 2019
21st Oct, 2019


Sheza Azeen


Human migration is not a new process it has been there since the beginning of world, in a way this process has shaped human culture, history and economy. It has always been a matter of consideration from anthropological as well as sociological perspective. In history it has worked as mean for spreading out the whole civilization and enriching cultures. It came in as a strong driving force giving shape to cities and urbanization since the time of industrial revolution. This article aims at giving retrospective view to the readers, as to how since beginning of the world human migration is in motion, and what are different factors putting effect on this churning wheels to make it happen and increase its rate of flow. It is also observed that lately the influx had increased drastically because of Syrian war, letting hundreds of native Syrians to flee the country in search of better livelihood confirming one of the major factor for process of migration being disruptive internal issues of a country. Keywords: Anthropology, Human Migration, Factors effecting Migration, Culture, Development.


It is said all the species travel but human beings are considered to be master of all. Since the origin of this species almost two hundred thousand years ago, humans are were on March. This migration of people from one place to another is considered to be movement. Other than human beings there is no other creature which has history of trekking up so far or make habitat in such different environments. The only place exempted on Earth from this migration is Antarctica, this is considered to be only place where humans are said not to be settled down permanently.

It has been observed that reason of this human migration differs from animal migration vastly. It is fact that animals migrate because of their biological instinct or natural deposition of being, that generally gets ignited by hormones or air temperature. While humans on the other end depends on reasoning and logic. So, it would not be unsafe to cumulate it as a fact that all of the animal kingdom migrates in order to find food, reproduce, or in response to change in seasons. But Homo sapiens goes on move for finding better livelihood.

Among scholars from every field geographers were the one who were first to identify the phenomenon of migration. (Ravenstein, 1885) They used analogies of physical laws to elucidate process of migration. Later on Zelinsky gave theory of mobility transition that explained migration because of demographic shift. (Zelinsky, 1971) Various scholars were of different opinion about migration, it is often linked with “mobility” and “movement” though these are two different terms but most of the time used interchangeably. (Parnwell, 1993) However, every movement cannot be considered as migration by people who does not have fix place of residence. To explain, a person on travel such as tourists or nomads does not fall into the category of migrants. (Sharvastava, 1994)


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How to cite this article?

APA StyleAzeen, S. (2019). A Retrospective View Over “Human Migration”. Academic Journal of Anthropological Studies, 02(02), 21-25.
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