Academic Journal of

Forestry Sciences

[Abbr: Acd. Jr. AJFS]

A Study Wildlife Management and Protection Act

by Gursharan Kaur

The Wildlife management is considered as task for all approximately huge safe areas and their related management concepts of European. The wildlife management is associated with main fights amongst diverse shareholders in numerous cases like farmers, nature conservationists, foresters, fishermen, tourists, hunters, and others. The Wildlife causes assured application benefits inside planned or existing secure area and also as of the flexibility of huge wild animals, travelling out of the zones which are protected into the nearby cultivated landscapes. Wildlife is managed by applying the protection or conservation act that is a collective effort by people and Governments with conscious to look after biological diversity of earth. This activities of conservation is connected to security of animal as well as plant species and their related habitats. These efforts for conservation are prepared by the Government by passing laws and rules with an objective to reserve endangered species and most importantly nature. In this paper, discuss about the wildlife management and protection act that is under legislation, constitutional mandates to citizens and judicial in protected areas in India. Keywords: Wildlife Management, Wildlife Conservation, Biological Diversity, Protected Area

Biodiversity of Forests: A necessity of the Life

by Mukesh Gupta

Forest biodiversity is defined as all life forms that are found in forested areas and ecological roles are played by them. The maintenance of biodiversity is very important for controlling the ecosystem and environment. In some term, this biodiversity provides market values to the society because biodiversity has a direct relation with the productivity as the biodiversity increase, there is also increase in the productivity. But now, the biodiversity is being lost because of large population. Large population has the large need such as land area for living, agriculture areas and industrial areas etc. due to which deforestation occur. And many species of plants and animals have been extinct from the earth. This paper shows the relation between forest and its biodiversity. It also explains the role of Government in maintaining the biodiversity of forest. Keywords: Biodiversity, Ecosystem, Market Values, Deforestation

Forest Conservation and Environmental Awareness: A Review

by Deepak Patil

For maintaining sustainability of future generation and benefits, the practice of planting and maintaining forested areas is done which is called forest conservation.The aim of conservation of forest is a transfer in the configuration of trees species and age distribution. Forestry provides a varied series of resources as they stock carbon and act as carbon sink, they collectively produce oxygen which is crucial for survival of life on earth due to which is known as earth lung, helps in controlling hydrological cycle, lessen global warming, absorbs poisonous gases and reduces noise and the level of pollution, preserve soil and diminish natural hazards such as flood, landslide etc. therefore it is considered as vital for the human lives. In this review, countless approaches for the conservation of forest and cognizance to people is discussed through which proper balance of the environment can be maintained. Keywords: Forest Conservation, Bio Diversity, Awareness, Sustainable Wilderness, Natural Resources

Wild life Crime: A Global Problem

by Sudhir Sangwan

‘Wildlife’ covers all animals and plants. Wildlife crime is a crime which is committed against the national laws and regulations with the intention of natural resources protection and to control their management and usage. The illegal poaching, transportation, trafficking, and supply of animals for their body parts for commercial purposes. The trafficking of wildlife threaten the existence of particular species. The worldwide illegal trade of wildlife produces gives a major influence on developing nations. Traffickers abuse poverty and disparity to invite poachers, working in territories with government existence. The wildlife crime is much rising in Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries due to demand of raw materials for industries in Asian continent. Illegal trafficking and poaching of wildlife become one of the major problem. In the present paper, an attempt has been made to study the global problem that is wildlife crime. The issues like illegal trade, role and challenges faced by government are highlighted. Keywords: Wildlife, Crime, Trade, Management

Deforestation- Its Effect and Cause

by Chathey Lowang

Government has been focusing on forest since 2011, the year which was known as “The year of Forests” this act has brought huge attention of world towards the forest. Also it was of sheer importance to do so, as constant deforestation has been hampering the condition of mother earth as a whole, the reason for this act is purely materialistic and human dependent but it has been the reason for chaos around the world from long time. In this study our focus is to bring in the light, that what are the reasons for this process, and its direct and indirect impact on world as a whole. Keywords: Tropical Forest, Forestation, Deforestation, Soil Erosion, Effect, Cause.

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