Academic Journal of

Applied Engineering

[Abbr: Acd. Jr. AJAE]

A study on Accident Prone Devices to Control Road Accidents

by Mahender Sherawat

In the present era, the number of accidents are increasing in number and one of the reason to control with the help of the accident prone devices. The present study, deals with the review of the various accident prone areas, the reason behind the accident i.e. the speed, the vehicle issue, the irregularity and the driving of the drivers. The road accidents can cause both the economically as well as health destruction. The objective of the present paper is to explore the relationship between the occurred accidents and the intersection areas. The absolute difference will basically give the motion the frame. Hence the accident severity value has been included to remark the accident prone location. The devices are used for the study on the accident prone devices for the control of the road accidents. Hence it is reviewed that the future implementation is a lot more important for the control and measure of the road accidents. Keywords: Accident Prone, Accident severity, Accident prone location, intersecting areas

Cloud Robotics: An Evolving Research Field

by Yogesh Badole

There are several sectors, applications and disciplines where the robotic system technology is used such as hospitals, airport defense sectors, hotels etc. The infrastructure of cloud along with the widespread set of accessible internet means which contains a capacity to offer important profits to automatons and robotics system. This robot and automation system depends on the statistics or cryptograph provided from a complex linkage to sustain their procedure. This paper converses about the four advantages of the cloud system which are huge data, cloud system computing, combined robotic learning and human calculation. This cloud system can mend and expand the robotics and the system of automation that offers access to a data base publication, models, open competition for projects, structures and any exposed software. Keywords: Cloud Computing, Automation system, Cloud Robotic system

Ethics in Engineering

by Pratap Narayan Ajmera, Virendra Sharma

Ethics is precisely a branch of philosophy that is used to study human behavior and ideal way of being. In today’s world generation is consumed with practical approach and trying to reach new heights in less time, which sometimes compromises the ethical value. Ethics is the very essence of humanity, and any unethical work is deemed to be condemned by the society. Hence, in this study we will be focusing on the various ethics and codes that should be followed by engineer during their course of work and why it is important to be followed. Ethical instructions are not always visibly evident, some professionals sometimes disagree about what is right and what is wrong so in here we will be underling the flow of work that needs to be followed and also chalk out the questions that an engineer need to ask himself before any decision making. Keywords: Ethics, Engineering, Normative Theory, Professionalism

Diversity of Graphene in Applied Engineering

by Nitin Sharma

The realm of materials investigation is presently surrounded by investigation concentrating on the bulk manufacture, categorization and real-life solicitations of extra-fine carbon flicks the thinnest and finest of them is graphene. Approximately a decade of graphene examination has guaranteed probable presentations containing extra-lasting batteries, extra competent solar cells, corrosion inhibition, circuit panels, display boards, and medical expertise like the point-of-care identification of infections; so it arises as no wonder that there are a number of researchers fervent to create the substantial revolution which could be commercially subjugated and employed into daily life. It was the amalgamation of the simple segregation approach and the finding of the exclusive belongings which initiated the engine that is now graphene examination for ultramodern hi-tech machineries. It wouldn’t be astonishing if the first graphene-based commercially accessible tools and skills come up within the subsequent decade. Numerous methodologies have been applied to manufacture graphene sheets, but still there stays the query of sturdiness and reproducing-ability of the techniques. Taking in to account the existing substructure of the semiconductor production, the electronics technology is very much reliable on silicon. Any methodology should be able to familiarize itself to the present silicon-based technology. Keywords: Graphene, Properties, Applied Engineering, Experiment, Future perspective.

Ontology: An emerging trend in Engineering

by Ankita Mishra

Ontology is based on the knowledge management application for the enterprises with the focused on Knowledge process and management process. The present study is much more specific towards the ontology engineering and how they are related with the overall process. This paper also cover the model for the software engineering that means the diversion of the ontology in different field. Ontology basically changes the management that incorporates the numerous areas like ontology engineering, integration, maintenance, merging etc. The paper involves the emerging trend of the engineering consisting the logical-philosophical principles in the ontology development. The new methodology is useful for the information scientists creating new ontological representations. Keywords: Ontology, logical-philosophical, Merging, Integration

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